

European Film Tour starting now : come and discover the new movie AfterForever.


On 8th September , AfterForever sets off in the Plaza Club in Zurich. This new movie supported by Anonimo bears state of the art snowboarding from the steepest spines in Alaska, booter action from the Alps, to the hardest urban spots of the US.

Three Swiss are part of the rider line-up. They are also the only Europeans along with a dozen Northern Americans and one Latino. The Swiss are Zurich-born Severin van der Meer who shares his part with Max Rubi from the Bernese Alps. Both represent roots snowboarding which has nothing to do with contests and judges but a lot with personality and style. The same goes for Mat Schaer from Geneva.

Style, personality, sports and outdoor… What could be more logical for a Swiss and sport-chic watchmaking brand like ours to support these young talents? An Epic Film Tour through Europe is following the initial event in Zurich with 31 cities in 12 countries experiencing the arrival of AfterForever. Enjoy!

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